Saturday, May 19, 2007

update as of May 19th, 2007

while this isn't the first of the month, or the last of the month... i happen to have a few extra minutes and wanted to take advantage of this time to update our blogspot.

as you have read in previous blogs, project warm hug is going through a lot of transition. we have closed our offices, have been consolidating our storage spaces, and generally trying to decrease our expenses any way possible so we can stay afloat.

i had a big eye opener this past week. i tallied up all of the expenses i have paid for project warm hug since 1/1/07 and tallied up all of my personal/family expeneses that need to be paid asap.

well, the amount that i have spent and the amount i need are nearly exactly the same. as i sat in a meeting with the family self sufficiency team this past week, i was trying to explain why i was there asking for their assistance.
the answer was simple, my investment in our community and to friends outside of santa clara, my commitment to completing our business lease and my determination to make this all work.... had compromised my personal finances.

it was asked why don't i just close down project warm hug??? simple, there is no where else that families in need can request diapers... let alone receive the children's clothing and items needed.
i now understand from the viewpoint of these families. my family is now a project warm hug client. if it wasn't for project warm hug, my son wouldn't have clothes, the toys, the books, and the diapers he has now.

this understanding makes me even more determined to make project warm hug stay afloat. i have cut our budget from $72,000 last year which was actually closer to $50,000 down to $13,800. YES $13,800. that is all we need to stay afloat to cover out of pocket expenses. $500 a month for San Mateo county and $500 a month of Santa Clara county. what that includes is storage space for the donations, a place also to sort and inventory AND barely enough gas to cover the pick ups and deliveries.... that is it. no salaries, no office, no advertising... the extra $1800 is for rent paid for the first 3 months.

so i ask you to please think of friends that like to donate to a good cause. we are one, and we need your help. currently we are $6800 behind... and have 7 more months to go. we donated over 21,000 items last year. this year, we have set up a children's clothing closet for friends outside which contains over 3000 items including maternity and teen clothing- and lots of diapers. i would like to set up the same for shelter network and elsa segovia family shelter in the next month.

we are set up on paypal. using as the recipient address.

so other than just asking for money.... i have created a children's clothing and accessories business called big heart designs. we debuted last week with great success. for every item sold, project warm hug receives $3. (

polka dot millie- whimiscal and wacky clothing for girls... 2t -6t. ready to sell!!!

retro willy- funky and fun clothing for boys... 2t-6t will be ready in another couple of weeks.

carseat slipcovers for britax car seats are ready to sell!!!
an easy on and easy off cover made from terry cloth. use it until it gets dirty. pop it off and wash it... and pop it back on. you do not need to take apart the car seat to change this cover. it goes right over the original! and is only $24.00 for the first 20 sold. other fabrics and designs will be made, Fleece for winter!!!

i am hoping to be able to sell at one of the local farmers markets in the next couple of weeks. i will update you with this information.

lastly... thank you all who have been so supportive in the past. we certainly wouldn't be able to serve our community without you.

with warm hugs. megan

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Vendors, Sponsors and Advertisers- May 2007

A Celebration of Motherhood
Saturday, May 11th, 2007
A benefit for Project Warm Hug.


Big Heart Designs~
children’s clothing~ designed,
created and marketed by moms.
Megan Rosenhart,

Silpada Designs~
Beautiful sterling silver jewelry!
Jean Barbagelata

My Busy Kits~
Lorraine and Annabel

Silent Auction Contributors
Big Heart Designs- Megan Rosenhart
Usborne Books- Megan Rosenhart
Silpada Designs- Jean Barbagelata
My Busy Kits- Lorraine and Annabel

Please support our local advertisers.

Interested in having a stronger, longer & leaner body?
Do you need to improve your flexibility or work on your posture?
Would you like to achieve better physical endurance,
your golf game or just your overall coordination?
Certified Gyrotonic® instructor Emily Pashman415-652-2020
On Task, On Time for Kids: Take the Nagging out of Parenting!
Invented by a Mom with Triplets!
On Task, On Time for Kids is a new and innovative product to set up kid’s routines and keep kids focused without parental reminders (nagging).
Teaches children to work independently and builds their self esteem.
Visit our website:
Your kids will get ready for school, work through their afternoon routine,
and get ready for bed without struggle and nagging!
Discount Medical/Dental Benefits
Discovery Toys.
Shelly Reiterman,

Pampered Chef.
Amy Henley,

Usborne Books.
Megan Rosenhart,
order direct-

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

~~~A Celebration of Motherhood~~~

A Celebration of Motherhood
Afternoon Tea and Garden Party
Saturday, May 12th from noon-4pm
in the garden at 174 spruce ave.
menlo park, ca
introducing big heart designs
children's clothing and accessories
designed, created and marketed by moms.
local women artists
local women-owned businesses
great silent auction!!!
a benefit for project warm hug!
for vendor, advertising or sponsorship information,
please contact megan at
hope to see you on the 12th!