Tuesday, February 02, 2010

400 blankets in 20 weeks, can we do it???

in the next 40 weeks, my hope is that we can gather sponsorships for 400 new hand made quilted blankets to be donated throughout the year. while there is a lot of worldwide need right now, my focus is to not forget our local children in need.

help keep local babies warm this spring...

there are hundreds of babies born every month in san mateo county
to very low income moms. many of these moms are a part of the county's
prenatal to three program that provides services to this group.
this spring, quilted cotton flannel blankets will be made locally and donated
to this program. in turn, these lovely blankets will be given to local moms for
their newborns.

please join me in providing blankets to local babies this spring by sponsoring
a blanket for only $20.00. since the blankets will be donated to a local non-
profit, tax receipts will be available.

please use paypal.com for sponsorships.
using bigheartdesigns@yahoo.com as the recipient address.
thanks so much!!